The Sarcoma Journal—Official Journal of the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA),, a leading sarcoma patient advocacy organization, is a conduit to inform and educate physicians and allied healthcare professionals (HCPs) on the latest research and leading treatments for soft/connective-tissue tumors. Published seasonally by MDedge® Hematology & Oncology, The Sarcoma Journal—Official Journal of the Sarcoma Foundation of America® (, part of the MDedge® web portal) addresses the needs of oncologists, pediatric oncologists and other HCPs treating sarcomas by providing professional resources covering the most current medical news, diagnosis and treatment information on these cancer types. The journal supports SFA’s activities focused on funding research, increasing awareness, and providing information on clinical trials throughout the U.S. By facilitating communication among the medical and scientific community, The Sarcoma Journal—Official Journal of the Sarcoma Foundation of America® seeks to support early detection, patient education, and more rapid developments of new and better sarcoma treatments, as part of the continuum of care.
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